Jun 4, 2007

Humility: True Greatness ~ C.J. Mahaney

Our culture and media constantly present to us a distorted view of what greatness looks like. They exalt the proud, and are quick to praise those who praise themselves. But God has a different idea of what greatness truly means. He says that he both hates and is opposed to pride, but gives grace to those who clothe themselves with humility (James 4:6, Prov. 6:16-17).

In Humility: True Greatness, C.J. Mahaney gives us a helpful reminder on this important subject and provides us with effective strategies for weakening the pride and strengthening the humility in our hearts daily. This book transformed the way I think about this these two opposites in my life and gave me a fresh perspective on what Jesus taught and exemplified about true greatness. Following are the three most prominent things I learned from this book.

Firstly, I learned that pride is deeply rooted in our hearts and it’s very deceptive in the way it molds our thinking with its lies. C.J. Mahaney points out that when we demonstrate pride in our hearts and actions what we’re really doing is contending with God for supremacy. Pride is always established in a desire for self-glorification. And when we desire self-glorification instead of God-glorification, we are competing for equality with our Creator.

Secondly, I learned about the wonderful blessings of humility and what God promises for the lowly in heart. In Isaiah 66:2 God states “…this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” From this verse we can conclude that God’s eyes are specifically drawn to those who are humble! He also promises that He will bestow His merciful grace on them. It’s amazing to think the humble attract God’s gaze and receive His grace in a unique and special way.

Thirdly, I learned that no sanctification happens without the power of the cross of Christ. We as humans can never seek true greatness apart from our Savior’s sacrifice. He is source of the grace that we so desperately need in order to serve others efficiently. Mahaney says that without Christ “You would be self-sufficient, seeking to cultivate self-confidence for the purpose of self-glorification.” Needless to say we are hopeless apart from God’s mercy, but because He was willing to give Himself up we are free to follow His example of genuine humility.

I would highly recommend this book and the suggestions its author gives to help you cultivate true greatness in your heart. It’s been a helpful guide to me in my pursuit of this important quality, and I’m sure it will be the same to you.

Samuel Taylor

Buy Humility: True Greatness


Anonymous said...

Smashing review! Well written, and an excellent summation of Humility. Let's see some more of these!

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Sam. "Humility" is a book that has had great impact on my life also. The battle against pride is a continual struggle, but this book certainly is an excellent ally.

Well done.